The Forbidden Treat
We all want to give our dog tasty treats and sometimes we want to give them the things that we ourselves are snacking on. There are many of expert, and non expert, opinions on what dogs should and should not have, but the one thing they can agree on is that chocolate is the forbidden dog treat.
Chocolate is bad for dogs because it contains caffeine and theobromine which are both apart of the methylxanthine family. Those are two chemicals that dogs cannot metabolize as fast as humans and the amount varies in different types of chocolate.
The other say, Suki, snuck into my bag and stole not one, but TWO mini Reese’s Cups! And I caught her both times before she ate the whole thing, but I still kept a close eye on her.
As of writing this post, she seems fine. She had a big appetite and she hasn’t shown signs of diarrhea or vomiting. If your dog eats chocolate, use your best judgment on what to do based on the amount you suspect he or she ate. If at any point you are unsure, PLEASE call the emergency vet hotline. I’d rather you be safe, and $80 poorer, than sorry.